Through the Eyes of a Mother

a little bit of this and a little bit of that

Sickness and miracles

on July 13, 2012

So today was a very hot day. Getting up to do anything caused you to sweat 😦 I hate days like this.

We all stayed in the house and tried to stay as cool as possible, which didn’t exactly work but thankfully where the girls sleep is nice and cool so that helps a bit for naps..

On the bad side the sickness that JAM had/has might have been passed down to little miss 😦 instead of eating what little I could not get her to shake her head at she passed out in her high chair.


After she woke up she was very cranky and whiny and then promptly threw up on the living room floor 😦 She also felt extremely warm so I rinsed her off and gave her a nice cool bath, I took her temp and she was fine after that. The cool bath really worked wonders because we are currently outside and this is what I was being attacked with…


Yes, that is a water gun. Which by the way she has figured how to pump. Lol. It is very cute watching her run after you and squirting you and pumping for more water πŸ™‚

On a better note baby k can now sit up on her own!!!
Watch the pictures as the miracle unfolds πŸ™‚






She literally has mastered it today. It’s crazy how fast she does things.
I bet anything that she will be crawling by the end of the month. She is so close. πŸ™‚

Gotta run I have a visitor coming over πŸ™‚

Hope you enjoyed watching a miracle πŸ™‚

6 responses to “Sickness and miracles

  1. Cyn says:

    Thanks for sharing your miracle:)

  2. miiu says:

    I appreciate the miracle, too. How old is she now? Our little rugrat just mastered turning over both ways… I guess sitting up on her own is lightyears away.

    • Samantha says:

      she is almost 8 months old on the 23rd πŸ™‚ How old is your little girl?

      • miiu says:

        She’s turning six months on the 19th πŸ™‚ Not much of an age difference! At least later on in the future…

      • Samantha says:

        How is she sleeping??? Baby K is getting better but she still wakes up about twice a night to nurse. and naps are horrid.

      • miiu says:

        She’s slept really well ever since she was born, she was born with the gift of knowing HOW. Not a single sleepless night during these past six months. She just sleeps when she’s sleepy, whenever, wherever and however she pleases. Nothing can stop her πŸ˜€

        We nurse twice a night but none of us really wake up. Needless to say she sleeps in our bed but frankly, I wouldnt have it any other way. She’s already growing up too fast, I want her near me for as long as possible, however she will sleep in her own bed if that’s where she is when bedtime hits πŸ™‚

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