Through the Eyes of a Mother

a little bit of this and a little bit of that

And it begins

Baby k now has 1.5 teeth, and so far it hasn’t affected our breastfeeding relationship. If she was wise she would continue not letting it do any harm to her food source. She loves nursing but if she causes me to bleed we are going to have some words. Lol

Here is my 1.5 tooth wonder.


Don’t worry no babies were harmed in the making of this photo, she just really hates people touching her face and trying to see in her mouth.


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At a loss….

Lately baby k only wants to sleep in my arms… The minute I lay her down she wakes up with in 5 minutes and the longest she will sleep alone is maybe 45 minutes…


I’m at a loss of what to do 😦 at night it’s even worse, she now will only fall asleep nursing and will only sleep in my bed….

If anyone had any great tips to get her to sleep on her own I would appreciate it ALOT!!!

Until next time…..


Never fails…

The minute I lay down and close my eyes baby k wakes up from her short nap to sleep nurse….. Yes that’s what I like to call eating even when they are still clearly tired and end up falling asleep almost instantly but need to be attached to my breast and be nursing….
No naps for me:(


One day I will nap…….

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