Through the Eyes of a Mother

a little bit of this and a little bit of that

Lousy blogger

I am being a horrible photo blogger lately. I don’t really have much to say but i have three pictures to share with you lovely bloggers 🙂

The kids were playing outside today and I got this picture of baby k 🙂


For the first time in a long time I made my own bread 🙂 well a bread maker did it. Lol. And it tasted really good.


And finally every day I go for a walk. Mr. B promised that if I go for a walk every day for 30 days he will get me a double jogging stroller… Hopefully a britax or Phil and Teds. That way I can take it on the bus. So just for proof that I go for a walk I send him a picture of the kids when we go for a walk.


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